League of Legends team finishes their season at the Peach Belt Conference Tournament

League of Legends team finishes their season at the Peach Belt Conference Tournament

League of Legends (MOBA) is a multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games that was initially released in 2009. The game puts five players against five other players on a map that includes three lanes and a section between the lanes referred to as a jungle. The lanes consist of multiple structures known as turrets that must be destroyed in at least one lane in order to achieve victory by destroying the opposing team’s Nexus. Each player controls a character known as a champion, with each having unique stats and special abilities.

The tournament was hosted at Lander University in Greenwood. The event, which took place over Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26, pitted the teams that have been playing remotely into a new local area network environment, commonly known as a LAN, against each other. Friday consisted of four sets, with Saturday holding two more finals and a grand final. The winners of the finals moved on to face off in grand finals.

The first day of the event, USCA faced off against Columbus State University, located in Columbus, Georgia, which had USCA claim victory 2-0. In the first game, USCA secured a strong victory, drafting Malphite, Hecarim, Ahri, Jinx and Lulu against CSU’s Camille, Viego, Orianna, Samira and Leona, losing only a single middle lane tower before felling CSU’s Nexus, finishing with a kill score of 23-5. In the second game of the set, USCA picked a team consisting of Wukong, Rumble, Yone, Kai’sa and Nautilus, defeating CSU’s team of Gnar, Jarvan IV, Orianna, Jhin and Seraphine, only losing a single middle lane tower, destroying CSU’s Nexus and finishing the game with a kill score of 31-12.

The second day of the event had USCA against Florida Southern College, located in Lakeland, Florida, for the finals. With a draft of Graves, Kayne, Ekko, Jinx and Lulu into Florida Southern’s Kennan, Nocturne, Syndra, Zeri and Lulu. In the first game of the set, USCA was unable to secure victory, falling to Florida Southern with a kill score of 20-6 in favor of Florida Southern. Game two had USCA drafting Tryndamere, Trundle, Veigar, Jhin and Lulu against Florida Southern’s Ornn, Jarvan IV, Orianna, Jinx and Rakan. USCA was able to claim victory with a kill score of 13-5, forcing a game three in the best of three series. USCA fell in a hard-fought game three, with their team of Wukong, Jarvan IV, Viktor, Jinx and Lulu unable to best Florida Southern’s Ornn, Xin Zhao, Syndra, Zeri and Nautilus. Florida Southern went on to grand finals, falling to Converse.

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