USC Aiken’s League of Legends team continues their nearly flawless season

USC Aiken’s League of Legends team continues their nearly flawless season

League of Legends (MOBA) is a multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games that was initially released in 2009. The game puts five players against five other players on a map that includes three lanes and a section between the lanes referred to as a jungle. The lanes consist of multiple structures known as turrets that must be destroyed in at least one lane in order to achieve victory by destroying the opposing team’s Nexus. Each player controls a character known as a champion, with each having unique stats and special abilities.

In the first match of the week, the team played against Converse University, which is located in Spartanburg. USC Aiken ran a team of Malphite, Trundle, Viktor, Jinx and Lulu into Converse University’s Renekton, Hecarim, Galio, Ashe and Renata. USC Aiken fell in this game, with a kill score of 10-21, in favor of Converse. USC Aiken was only able to destroy one of the Converse’s bottom turrets before their Nexus fell. In the second game of the set, USC Aiken drafted Tahm Kench, Hecarim, Ekko, Jinx and Zilean into Converse’s Zeri, Jarvan IV, Viktor, Ezreal and Renata. USC Aiken was unable to secure the win, finishing the game with a kill score of 21-20 in favor of Converse. Though they successfully destroyed Converse’s top and middle first turrets, USCA was unable to hold on, falling in a 26-minute fight to the finish. Converse is ranked first in the Peach Belt Conference and remains undefeated. Watch the stream on Twitch below.

In the second set of the week, the team squared off with University of North Georgia. In the first game, USCA drafted Ornn, Hecarim, Viktor, Zeri and Yuumi against UNG’s Gragas, Volibear, Vex, Jinx and Nautilus. USCA was able to secure this game, successfully taking down UNG’s Nexus with a final kill score of 30-16. In the second game of the set, USCA selected Tryndamere, Hecarim, Viktor, Ashe and Yuumi against UNG’s Garen, Viego, Kai’sa, Sona and Seraphine. USCA was able to achieve victory, destroying UNG’s Nexus and finishing with a kill score of 24-11. Watch the stream on Twitch below.

USC Aiken is 6-1 for the season.

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