USC Aiken’s League of Legends team continues their flawless season

USC Aiken’s League of Legends team continues their flawless season

League of Legends (MOBA) is a multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games that was initially released in 2009. The game puts five players against five other players on a map that includes three lanes and a section between the lanes referred to as a jungle. The lanes consist of multiple structures known as turrets that must be destroyed in at least one lane in order to achieve victory by destroying the opposing team’s Nexus. Each player controls a character known as a champion, with each having unique stats and special abilities.

In the first match of the week, the team played against Henderson State University from Arkadelphia, Arkansas. USC Aiken ran a team of Tryndamere, Trundle, Ahri, Zeri and Yuumi into HSU’s Ornn, Hecarim, Lissandra, Caitlyn and Lux. USC Aiken claimed victory in this game with a kill score of 36-3, destroying the enemy Nexus without losing a single turret. In the second game of the set, USC Aiken drafted a team of Tryndamere, Elise, Ahri, Jinx and Sejuani into HSU’s Jarvan IV, Teemo, Neeko, Miss Fortune and Renata. USC Aiken secured this game with a kill score of 35-5, once again not losing a turret and securing the set. Watch the stream on Twitch below.

In the second set of the week, the team faced off against Hawai’i Pacific University from Honolulu. In the first game, USC Aiken’s draft of Trundle, Rumble, Yone, Zhin, and Lulu matched up against Ornn, Viego, Yasuo, Tristana and Lux. USC Aiken secured this game with a kill score of 38-8 and did not lose a turret before felling HPU’s Nexus. In the second game of the set, USC Aiken’s draft of Sett, Viego, Ekko, Jinx and Sejuani squared up against HPU’s Ornn, Lillia, Yasuo, Jhin and Nami. USC Aiken secured this game as well, finishing with a kill score of 36-9 and not losing a turret before destroying the enemy Nexus. Watch the stream on Twitch below.

USC Aiken is 5-0 for the season. Go Pacers!

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