Baby Momma Culture is Problematic

Baby Momma Culture is Problematic

Nowadays having a baby out of wedlock is deemed socially acceptable.

There are many reasons why women end up becoming single mothers. Usually, the reasons range from the child’s father being incarcerated, dead or the relationship between the two parents simply ending. In urban culture, women often purposely have a child with a famous rapper or athlete for guranteed financial stability. Whatever the reasons may be, we can’t ignore the effects of baby momma culture. 

“Baby momma culture” is prominent and more accepted in the Black community. We see women strive to be baby mothers instead of wives because of what’s been promoted in the media and music. Influencers such as Ari Fletcher and Jayda Cheaves who are known for being baby mothers to famous rappers and the lifestyles they live are promoted to teenagers and young adults. Ideally, some women have babies with rappers and athletes because of the financial benefits and steady income to help provide for their children. 

Despite this, I believe that being a wife is more beneficial than being a baby mother. As a wife, you are more guaranteed financially and legally. If the father of your child dies you get life insurance money, a place to live and inherit his assets. Whereas just being a baby momma, means that you do not get anything from the baby’s father.

Another benefit of being a wife is that the outcome of a child’s psyche is better than a child who grew up in a single-parent household. Being married also makes providing financial support to a child more affordable than being a single parent. The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” is very true because taking care of a child requires a support system. 

I also believe that having a child with someone is much more permanent than marriage. When you are married, you are legally bound to your significant partner but also have the choice to end the marriage. In contrast to being in a relationship with your partner and having a baby with them. If things fall apart between your significant other, you will still be connected via child. This is why it’s so important to be mindful of who you have children with. 

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