Brand New Ace!

Brand New Ace!

Word around campus is that the Pacers are getting a new mascot! After a long run of Ace showing the most school spirit of all, the school is changing up his look and the tone of the school-wide fight song. Ahmed Samaha was available to answer a couple questions that cover what everyone is wondering.

What brought this change?

We wanted to have an updated mascot as it hasn’t been refreshed or updated in over 11 years. Also, our fight song lyrics are not changing, just the melody. The old melody was not original to our campus but borrowed. The new melody was created by professors in our College of Humanities and Social Sciences

The lyrics are the same as the last fight song, the only difference is that the harmony changed:

Cheer, Cheer for USCA

We never falter, we never sway

Send us racing round the track

We’re here to win, we don’t look back,

We have the answer, we heed the call

USCA will win overall,

Pacer Power and Pacer Pride

Onward to Victory!!!!!


It’s believed that the changes to the mascot and song were needed in order to look more modern and original. Shown below is a draft of what the new mascot is looking like, it’s currently in the feedback stage and is subject to possible changes.

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The "Say Their Names" Project

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