Mandatory Commuter Meal Plan

Mandatory Commuter Meal Plan

USC Aiken implemented a mandatory commuter meal plan a couple of days before bills for the semester were due. This led to much confusion amongst students while paying their bills for the term. The mandatory meal plan was priced at $70, which for some students is not an issue, but for other students, this could be a matter of being able to afford the semester or not. If this meal plan had been communicated months prior there would not be as much outrage and shock about it. Some students have expressed that they do not mind because they eat on campus or get Starbucks, but other students do not eat on campus at all. USC Aiken has stated that if students do not use the $70 on their account that they can get a refund at the end of the semester, but for commuting students, $70 can be detrimental to miss out on for months. This can be an electric or water bill for students that live on their own.

Many students have expressed their dissatisfaction with this:

“I am not a fan of the commuter meal plan at all, personally I feel it was just a way to get more money out of us. I have never eaten the food offered at USC Aiken in my four years here. I always go to the restaurants surrounding the school like Zaxby’s, Diablos, Subway, Chick-fil-A, etc. Which I prefer to do. And to make it mandatory?? Completely unnecessary”

“It is not fair. Not fair to those who are saving money by living off campus and are using what they save for gas and other things for 75 dollars’ worth of food or drinks at school. It is just another fee that we must worry about. Another fee that keeps us from saving where we can. Another fee we don’t have a say in. Another fee that doesn’t get much “why” behind it. Another fee that doesn’t even apply to everyone. I don’t have it but feel for those who have and am curious as to why I didn’t receive it, or even the email explaining it. Another fee that leaves students with one or more unanswered questions”

“I have graduated from here and I was a commuter all 4 years I went here. The ability to not have a meal plan was the biggest reason I went to USCA instead of USC. Required meals plans are pointless and dumb. It can also contribute to food waste because they can plan better by only getting what they need based on how many meal plans are active. Not perfect, but better than buying enough food for each student for each meal and just throwing out excess that can’t be or wasn’t used. This is a shame on USCA.”

The mandatory meal plan is completely unnecessary. Having it as an optional choice would be more beneficial for the students and the campus overall. Allowing commuters, a choice of a meal plan would be great for students that enjoy eating on campus but would also keep students that do not eat on campus from spending extra money. Springing this on everyone last minute and with little communication is a mistake on USC Aiken’s part. Hopefully moving forward, the meal plan will not be removed, but made optional for students to add on per semester.

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