USC Aiken’s League of Legends team kickstarts season with two victories in one week

USC Aiken’s League of Legends team kickstarts season with two victories in one week

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena game, commonly referred to as a MOBA, developed by Riot Games, that was initially released in 2009. The game puts five players against five other players on a map that includes three lanes and a section between the lanes referred to as a jungle. The lanes consist of multiple structures known as turrets that must be destroyed in at least one lane in order to achieve victory by destroying the opposing team’s Nexus. Each player controls a character known as a champion, with each having unique stats and special abilities.

In their first set, USCA faced off against University of Montevallo. In the first game of the best of three, USCA used a team of Zeri, Tryndamere, Zilean, Viktor, and Olaf. The team defeated Montevallo with a kill score of 38-10 without losing a single turret. In the second game of the set, USCA drafted a team of Zeri, Ornn, Yuumi, Ahri, and Hecarim. In this game, the kill score was 44-18, with USCA losing three turrets, leading to them winning the set 2-0.

In the second set, USCA played against Alma University. In the first game, USCA drafted a team of Jinx, Tryndamere, Lulu, Viktor, and Jarvan IV. They won this game, only losing two turrets with a kill score of 27-1. In the second game of the set, the team achieved a second victory with a team of Zeri, Malphite, Yuumi, Yasuo, and Hecarim. USCA did not lose a turret this game and achieved a final kill score of 28-3, leading to a won set.

The team is set to play Columbus State University on Feb. 19 and holds a record of 2-0 for the season so far.

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