No Pork? No Support.

No Pork? No Support.

There has been a recent epidemic amongst college campuses. Food options for students. While USC Aiken has a couple of dining options for students, there still seems to be room for adjustment.

Me’Doña Summers, a junior biology major, has had problems with eating food not only on campus but through her K-12 experience as well. Summers does not eat pork and has found it slightly difficult to find food she’s fully satisfied with.

Upon entering the dining hall, you will see that there are options for “everyone.” There are some vegan-no-meat options, but when it comes to meat, on some days, they only revolve around one. Pork.

“…usually when I go to the Cafe it’s during lunch due to my schedule and I usually end up eating a salad. There will be options that aren’t pork like burgers or chicken sandwiches but eating those daily gets tiring.” -Me’Doña Summers  

Summers does point out that she notices effort from dining regarding creativity in meals and providing different options. One of these is “pulled chicken” alongside pulled pork.

“I like that they try to get creative with the meals and don’t make the same things too often, but sometimes it gets a little wild.” -Me’Doña Summers  

To add more inclusivity to food options in the dining hall, Summers makes a couple of recommendations. More turkey options could be useful during breakfast/ brunch since the usual meat options are pork based. Options in the “Home Zone” are usually a hit or miss in popularity for students; maybe change up the menu for that section. 

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