Love from afar: COVID and Valentine's Day

Love from afar: COVID and Valentine's Day

Just because we are still dealing with the Coronavirus, doesn’t mean Valentine’s Day can’t be your perfect night. Here are a few ideas on how to make your Valentine’s Day safe and special.

1: Cook a new recipe together. This is a cute way to work together, try something new as well as create something for you both to enjoy.

2: At home theater. Pop some popcorn, dim the lights, get your favorite snacks, cozy up and watch a movie together.

3: Play games. If it’s safe, try to double date with friends and play some games together!

4: Picnic. If the weather permits, get you and your significant others favorite food, grab some blankets and have a picnic! If the weather is bad, then do an indoor picnic, same idea, just indoors!

5: Just spend some time together. If you or your partner are not super into celebrating Valentine’s Day, just spend some quality time together. Do something you both love and take the time to just enjoy each others company.

Even though the virus is causing people to change the way holidays are celebrated, it doesn’t mean that we need to make them any less special.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

USC Aiken takes next step toward enhancing cyber initiatives in South Carolina

USC Aiken takes next step toward enhancing cyber initiatives in South Carolina

Campus Event Calendar: Feb. 1 - Feb. 7