How to: Dodging the obstacle of studying

How to: Dodging the obstacle of studying

For most of us here at USC Aiken, we are trying to (at some point) graduate with a degree. Somewhere along the line you’ll be sitting down with lecture material, a textbook and no idea where to start.

Here’s what I do to study:

  1. I find a quiet spot. I’m the type of person who needs a quiet area to really get the wheels turning, but not everyone thinks like me. Some people need music playing or white noise in the background, just pick material that is not too distracting.

  2. Turn your phone off. Unless you’re using it for music, trust me, you don’t need it. Any sort of text or notification will lead you astray.

  3. Make a quick list of what you want to accomplish. This list doesn’t have to be pretty either, just jot down what is most important for you to do and be specific! Remember they didn’t build Rome in a day and some subjects take longer to understand.

  4. Refer back to the syllabus. If your professor said X, Y, Z is going to be on the exam, you better know what X, Y, Z said.

  5. Set reminders. If you set a specific time aside for studying you’re more likely to do it.

  6. Flash cards. For me this is easier than rewriting the notes (which can help sometimes). Put the most important information on your cards and pull them out often. In line shopping, a commercial break, going back to the material often will help you better retain it.

  7. Explain it out loud. Take your notes and try to explain it to someone who has never heard the material. If you can teach it to them, you know it.

  8. Be patient with yourself. You can’t read a million chapters in a day or learn it all in one night. Make a schedule of what you want to accomplish and take it day by day. We are all different people with different learning styles. Test and see what methods best work for you!

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