Pacer Pillowtalk: Why "the" talk

Pacer Pillowtalk: Why "the" talk


It is written into books.

It is acted out in plays, movies and television shows.

It is depicted in art. 

Sex is natural. So why is talking about it and educating people about it so taboo? 

PacerPillowTalk was created to educate the students at the University of South Carolina- Aiken about sexual health. 

Why did the paper feel the need to take on the role of educator on this topic? The answer is simple. Students are having sex. They may not know about the dangers of sexual interaction or different preventative measures that can be taken to minimize the chance of pregnancy or disease.

It’s important to discuss uncomfortable topics such as sexual health because it could potentially save lives. Some sexually transmitted diseases and infections may have long-lasting effects including infertility and death.

As a newspaper that prides itself on its motto “for the students, by the students,” Pacer Pillowtalk is essential to continuing to educate students on topics that pertain to students, no matter how uncomfortable the conversations may be.

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