Pacer Pillowtalk: Vaginal hygiene

Pacer Pillowtalk: Vaginal hygiene

There are limited conversations on reproductive organs and their proper care.

Knowing the proper hygiene tactics to keep your vagina clean and fresh can also help with reproductive health. 

Here are some tips that you can try to stay clean and healthy. 

  • Keep underwear dry: extra moisture around the vagina can cause not only an odor but infections as well.

  • Clean your vagina after intercourse: lubricants, sweat and particles from condoms can cause irritation and can potentially lead to infections later on. Cleansing with lukewarm water can lessen the possibility of irritation or infection.

  • Don’t use scented soap to wash your vagina: scented hand soap, body wash and shampoo should not be used to cleanse your vagina. There are harmful chemicals in scented soap that can cause the natural pH level of the vagina to go out of balance allowing for different bacterias to grow.

  • Stay away from scented feminine hygiene products: products such as wipes, deodorants and scrubs for feminine care can cause previous infections to get worse or increase the risk of catching an infection. 

  • Avoid douching: a douche is meant to flush the vagina with water and chemicals in order to clean out the natural secretions. This is a bad idea because the chemicals can cause the natural PH level of the vagina to be thrown off balance.

  • Use condoms: protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections is one of the simplest ways to keep your vagina healthy. Make sure you know if you are allergic to latex, that way the type of condom does not cause an allergic reaction. 

  • Avoid wearing overly tight clothing: wearing tight clothing such as leather, spandex or synthetic fabrics can restrict the amount of fresh air that helps mitigate sweat and extra moisture. Excess moisture can lead to increased levels of vagina yeast, that can cause itching and discomfort, as well as possible infections. Also changing underwear after working out or sweating heavily will help with reducing the possibility of discomfort. 

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