Column: Denied remote learning, why?

Column: Denied remote learning, why?

Content note: This is an opinion article and should be taken as such. The contents of this article are the opinions of the writer and are not the beliefs of the staff, student body or institution.

Over the summer, an email addressed student concerns regarding learning options for immunocompromised students or other circumstances that prevent in-class learning.

However, this “option” soon became more of a pick-and-choose who you want to do online learning type gig.

Many truly immunocompromised students, including myself, were denied the option to do online learning and really given no definite reason for the denial. Students’ comments on Facebook’s USCA Student Life page expressed this frustration often in posts and comments.

We were told to go to our advisors, who told us to go to our department heads, who would send us back to different lists of people.

All of this is to say, how long will in-person classes be able to stay open with the rate of COVID-19 still skyrocketing in South Carolina? Will students obey the mandates and instructions?

Both in-person and online classes started Aug 20 and we are all anxious about the beginning of what should be a very interesting semester.

Dorm cleaning 101

Dorm cleaning 101

Column: What break?

Column: What break?