Representation at the COPLAC research festival

Representation at the COPLAC research festival

This year, USC Aiken’s music department was represented at the The Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges research festival. COPLAC is an association that exhibits the advantages and values of public liberal arts education.

The music department was represented with a flute solo by Erica Bennett, a sophomore business administration and instrumental studies dual major. Bennett performed the “Andalouse” by E. Pessard. The performance included a piano accompaniment by Dr. Joel Scraper, the visual and performing arts department chair.

Representation of the Aiken campus is significant because it highlights the school and the accomplishments of its students. It can help USC Aiken stand out to people who have never heard of the school before.

“It makes our presence as a campus known to others that may not have known of us beforehand,” said Bennett.

Bennett, who has a concentration in instrumental studies, is excited to be representing USC Aiken’s music department and to exemplify the school. She is grateful to be involved because she is passionate about performing.

“For me, representing the music department is extremely exciting,” she said. “I absolutely love performing and having the opportunity to perform and represent the USCA music department is an amazing experience.”

The performance is available to watch on the COPLAC website.

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