Clue: On Stage Review

Clue: On Stage Review

Apr. 11-14, 2024, USC Aiken’s University Theatre Players performed Clue: On Stage.

This performance occurred on the main stage in the Etheridge center and was phenomenal!

A highlight of this performance was the brilliant set design! The set truly added to the performance overall. The main setup for the stage was the inside of the manor with multiple doors. Above each door, there were hanging signs that looked like pieces straight out of the board game to indicate which room the actors were entering and exiting. There were also hanging signs that would drop down when the main stage was supposed to be another room that the characters were in. Due to all of the movement in the performance, the indicators were helpful for the audience to keep track of what rooms were being used.

The acting in this performance was also brilliant! Each character was brought to life from the widow Mrs. White to the seductress Scarlet. It is obvious how much time and effort these actors put into the show.

My favorite part of this performance is when the Butler has a monologue recapping all of the incidents that had previously occurred. The Butler was yelling and running around the stage, while also perfectly reciting everything that had happened. This was an extremely impressive scene.

Overall, this performance was truly wonderful! UTP did a phenomenal job!

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