Your Natural Hair is not Growing and Here's Why

Your Natural Hair is not Growing and Here's Why

Taking care of your natural hair can be a handful and confusing at the same time. Natural hair is like a garden, if you nurture its strands and with time your hair will grow longer and healthier. We hinder our hair growth in so many ways without realizing that we are.  So here are some tips to help you along your hair journey:

You need to be gentle with your hair

Detangling your hair can be a long tedious process. Your arms are soar from combing through knots and tangles and you notice that you’re leaving a trail of hairballs.

An easier way to detangle your hair is to part your hair into sections depending on how much hair you have. Spray your hair with a lot of water and detangle it with your fingers. Detangle with your fingers starting from the ends of your hair to the roots, this method is very gentle compared to a comb. 

Leave your hair alone

High puffs and slick back puffs are cute and convenient when you are in a hurry but wearing high manipulation styles all the time is not good for you at all. Wearing low manipulation styles such as braid outs, twist outs, and flexi rod sets is better for your hair. The style lasts longer and does not require a lot of manipulation. 

Consistency is key

To achieve long and healthy hair you must remain consistent. Sticking to a consistent regimen and paying close attention to your hair can do wonders. Most importantly, stick to whatever works for your hair.

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