The Aliyahcore Takeover

The Aliyahcore Takeover

If you’re on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of the term “Aliyahcore”.

Aliyahcore has been taking over the fashion industry since 2022 and is growing more and more in today’s society. The creator of the fashion style is 19-year-old Aliyah Bah. She is a content creator, influencer, and model. Her style became popular overnight which gained her millions of supporters and followers. 

The main focus of her style is Alternative but with a twist. Aliyah’s style consists of a mixture of other fashion styles such as Y2K, Streetwear, and Harajuku. She’s also stated that she’s found inspiration from famous artists such as Missy Elliott, Alicia Keys, and the girl group Destiny’s Child. 

Since the Alternative style is not as common in African American groups and is sort of looked down upon, Aliyah’s main priority is changing that stigma. Her fashion sense on Black Alternative is to create a safe space for people who dress similarly to her and repopularize the style. 

Not only does she want to create a safe space for this style but also for men as well. The style can be created in feminine or masculine also. Now Aliyah’s look consists of specific items that are a must for it to be “Aliyahcore”. Some of her favorite items and accessories would be mini skirts, fishnets, belts, boots, and ear muffs. Although this may sound like a lot going on it actually all compliments each other very well. Did I mention the style is year-round for any season? 

Currently, this is only the beginning of Aliyah’s fashion trend, but she eventually plans on turning this into a clothing brand. I don’t know about you guys but I am excited to see what Aliyah has in store for the future. 

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