NPHC Brings Back "S-T-D Free"

NPHC Brings Back "S-T-D Free"

On Feb. 8 the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) brought free HIV testing back to the USC Aiken campus.

With help from Hope Health of Aiken, students were able to not only be tested for HIV but be provided the experience of learning about sexual health and learning safe sex practices.

Kasheyonna David, President of the Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc and Secretary of NPHC, offered a few of her personal thoughts on the event.

“The purpose was to bring awareness to STSs and STIs on campus… we also wanted to bring these agencies to the students rather than students having to go to these agencies on their own” -Davis

In the future, rather than only offering HIV testing to students they plan on partnering with DHEC to offer students a wider range of options.

Another service offered through the event was the education of “PrEP”, a prescription formulated to reduce your chance of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. For a lot of students, this was their first time hearing about this.

“S-T-D Free” is on its second run, the first being last semester, and plans on improving its services. All students are encouraged to come by and get tested.

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