Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress During Finals Week

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress During Finals Week

Finals week is fast approaching, and we are preparing for a hectic week of studying and all-nighters. We must learn how to take a step back and breathe in between studying sessions. Here are some healthy ways to deal with stress during finals week.


When you take breaks between studying, it is easy to scroll through social media, and soon, you end up scrolling for an hour instead of 10 minutes. You end up wasting your time on your phone instead of studying. The next time you take a study break, take a walk instead of scrolling through your phone or reading a book until your break ends.

Go to the Counselor Center

Stress is pent-up tension bottled up and released in very unhealthy ways. To manage stress, you have to let it out in a positive way. An example of a perfect outlet is visiting the Counselor Center on campus. The Counseling Center offers in-person services to students free of charge. They are available on Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. You can schedule an appointment with one of the counselors by calling them at 803-641-3609.

Set Realistic Expectations

It is crucial to list the goals you want to reach for the end of the semester, but keep in mind to set realistic expectations. Schedule an appointment with your professor and set your expectations based on your past performance. Create a study plan, focus on the areas you struggle with most and determine when in the day to study, whether it is in the morning or at night.

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