How to Stay Calm During Finals

How to Stay Calm During Finals

We have reached the end of the semester, meaning that many students are frantically preparing for final exams and projects. This part of the semester can be quite stressful, so it is important to pay extra attention to your mental health over the next few weeks. Fortunately, there are many several ways to stay calm as you race to finish the semester.

  1. An excellent strategy for reducing stress at any time is meditation. This practice is free and does not take much time, making it ideal for overworked and underpaid college students. To meditate, simply bring your attention to your breath and keep it there, observing as your body inhales and exhales. Even short meditation sessions can prove relaxing, making this an ideal activity to do throughout the day, allowing you to take a break whenever finals week becomes overwhelming.

  2. Another important tip for finals is to stay healthy. When the semester becomes too burdensome, it can be easy to slip into unhealthy habits, especially when healthy decisions often take precious time away from studying. It is still important, however, to maintain health during this time, especially since being healthy will keep you performing in peak condition. Something as simple as not drinking enough water can have detrimental effects on your mental health, making finals harder than it has to be. This semester, ensure that you eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and stay active to promote better health, both physically and mentally.

  3. Another way to survive finals is to remember to pace yourself. Although it may feel as though taking a break will ruin your GPA, overworking yourself can easily lead you to feel burnt out, causing your productivity levels and mental well-being to plummet. Taking a few minutes to check in on yourself and do something fun like watch an episode of your favorite show or even cheat on your healthy eating can help you feel refreshed and ready to write another paper. Also, if you overwork yourself too much, the time spent by taking a break would likely be wasted by lack of motivation and focus anyway.

  4. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. USC Aiken offers free counseling services for students. Taking advantage of this service can reduce the burden mental health issues can pose when trying to work on finals. By talking about your problems with someone else, you can gain a better understanding of how your mind works and learn healthy coping methods, equipping you for the elevated stress of finals.

Although the end of a semester is often overwhelming and exhausting, there are ways to cope with this stress. By implementing positive coping mechanisms, you can protect your mental health and be a better student. Although taking time for yourself often feels wasteful when deadlines are looming over your head, remember that your well-being is still important and that taking care of yourself will allow you to perform better as you speed through study guides and final projects.

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