Intramural Sports, What are They?

Intramural Sports, What are They?

Have you been hearing the words “intramural sports” around campus? Are you wondering what an intramural sport is? Well, you’ve landed in the right place! 

An intramural sport is defined by the campus recreation and wellness center of Auburn University as “sport competitions played between teams or individuals that are formed from the university community. Teams play each other for a period of time, followed by a single elimination tournament”.  So, what does that mean exactly? Intramural sports are not campus funded sports teams. Instead, the teams are composed of any and all students from the campus community. 

To play on an intramural team no previous knowledge, experience or skill is required to participate, only thing you need is a want to join! 

For more information about USCA’s intramural sports, follow the link to the campus recreation and wellness page to learn more!

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