Men's Business Casual: A Do's and Don'ts Guide

Men's Business Casual: A Do's and Don'ts Guide

Have you ever been told to dress business casual and you were confused about what that meant? Luckily it is not a difficult concept, but it still confuses some people. Some clothing may look like they would fit in, but only to find out later are not actually business casual. Let’s break it down by what you should wear and not wear when you need to dress up business casual for whatever event or job you are going to.


  • DO wear loafers or dress shoes. Shoes like Converses could be worn but don’t wear a bright color, keep it matching in color with your outfit.

  • DON’T wear sneakers or sandals.


  • DO wear khakis or dress pants. It is possible to wear jeans but only if they are black like dress pants, but don’t

  • DON’T wear blue jeans or shorts of any kind.


  • DO wear a polo or button-up. If the shirt is see-through, it may be best to wear a plain t-shirt or tank top underneath.

  • DON’T wear only a t-shirt or tank top. Also, if you use an undershirt do not wear a graphic tee for it, keep that a plain color.


  • DO style your hair nicely.

  • DON’T wear a hat, especially not a baseball cap. They don’t fit well in a business casual setting. Something like a fedora or bowler hat is possible but not recommended as they do not go with all outfits.

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