Opinion: Hocus Pocus 2 Review

Opinion: Hocus Pocus 2 Review

Many individuals have been waiting for the sequel to the first Hocus Pocus for almost 30 years, and on Sep. 30, 2022, Hocus Pocus 2 hit the screens of many.

The movie stars the same three original Sanderson sisters, performed by Sarah Jessica Parker (Sarah Sanderson), Bette Midler (Winifred Sanderson) and Kathy Najimi (Mary Sanderson). The three actresses were able to slip back into their wicked characters almost seamlessly.

The movie is very similar to its predecessor. The same theme of revenge is highlighted. The movies were too similar for some fans. While reading comments on Rotten Tomatoes, many viewers were dissatisfied with the movie.

“Over-hyped then it under-delivered. Same jokes were repeated with little creativity. Don't waste your time.” - reviewer Taymee B.

“[I]m a fan of the first film, this sequel felt rushed, lacking the magic of the first one, [I’]ve seen once and never again[.]” -Cozart M.

Many comments follow the same theme of disappointment. Many feel as if the film was unoriginal, overhyped and overall a waste of time.

There are individuals who loved the movie as well, but they seem to be getting lost in the sea of negativity towards the film.

Personally, did not have many expectations going into the movie. I agree that the movie seemed to follow the first very closely, and that some of the ideas such as the spell the sisters cast, some of the lines in the movies were very similar and a few other resemblances.

I did enjoy the backstory of the sisters, as well as the idea of the legend continuing with Becca and her coven.

Have you watched Hocus Pocus 2 yet? If so, let us know your opinion on it by emailing pacertimes@usca.edu!

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