Postgraduate options: Career or continuing education?

Postgraduate options: Career or continuing education?

The choice between a career or continuing education can be a daunting one.

For many students, continuing into a graduate program is a clear option. However, some may wonder what they should do between completing their undergraduate program and beginning their graduate one. Students may choose to pursue an internship, while others may decide to use the time to relax before proceeding.

An internship is a beneficial option for students who want to gain work experience before re-entering the educational fray. With experience, students will be able to gain insight into what they could do with their degree, as well as consider if they are going to need further education.

An internship allows the individual to form social bonds with employers or other employees, gain access to references and expand their professional network.

Students may also choose to work for some time in a related field to their degree. This would present the same opportunities as an internship, as well as offering a position which they may hold as they continue their education if desired. This option may also present more financial stability for the student.

Others may take a break, as opposed to continuing in the field immediately. Students have expressed the feeling of burnout from decades of schooling. For many, graduating undergrad may be the first genuine break from school. This may be a time for volunteer work, family, friends or time to self-explore or travel. The appeal of a break from academia presents an opportunity to develop a sense of identity outside of grades and expectations.

Organizations that are catered to young adults looking to build resumes, work in their field, and serve the community are also valid options for students looking to fill the space after undergrad. Americorps is one of these organizations, where individuals “serve directly with nonprofit organizations to tackle our nation’s most pressing challenges.”

Graduate school is a large step forward in education. It is important to consider one’s options before immediately returning to a full school schedule. Students interested in pursuing graduate studies after undergrad should consult with their academic advisor or professors in the field.

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