Dorm Dash: Maple mustard salmon

Dorm Dash: Maple mustard salmon

Salmon is one of my favorite proteins to cook, but it can be pretty boring without the right seasonings or sauces.

My mom, a self-proclaimed hater of salmon, devours this recipe every time I make it. This recipe is a quick and easy recipe that you can even make in the dorms with just a bowl and a sheet pan. After trying this, you’ll be craving the fish in your dreams.


·         1 salmon fillet

·         1 tablespoon olive oil

·         2 tablespoons Bavarian sweet mustard (you can find this in the German section at Publix, and occasionally at Aldi)

·         2 tablespoons maple syrup

·         Salt and pepper to taste


1.      Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

2.      Place salmon skin side down on a sheet pan, and coat with olive oil. You want to make sure to rub the olive oil into the skin as well to prevent sticking.

3.      Season both sides of your salmon with salt and pepper.  

4.      Place salmon in the oven and cook for 13-15 minutes, depending on your oven.

5.      While the salmon is cooking, mix two tablespoons of Bavarian sweet mustard and two tablespoons of maple syrup together in a bowl until they are well blended.

6.      Pour the maple syrup and mustard mixture over the salmon once it comes out of the oven and let it soak into the fish.

7.      Enjoy!

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