From chaos to order: Scheduling tips and tricks

From chaos to order: Scheduling tips and tricks

Are you looking at your class schedule or syllabi and freaking out?

The first week of classes involves excessive amounts of new information and introductory assignments. If you’re one of the unlucky ones, you already had homework over the weekend.

Establishing a rhythm early on is a major facet of a successful semester.

Here are a few suggestions to help with scheduling.

  • Planner: Get a planner that you really like (color, theme, stickers, etc.). Having something that you like will help with keeping up with the dates.

    • I absolutely love the “Happy Planner” because it has so many different page add-ins, stickers and other fun things that can be added to the planner!

  • Calendar App: Uploading your class schedule onto an app can help with easy accessibility when on the go.

    • I personally use “Google Calendar“ because it is easy to share with my friends and sends me notifications before each event!

  • Spreadsheet: I saw this tip on TikTok and tried it out myself and I really like it! Take all of your syllabi or your assignment schedules. On a spreadsheet (Microsoft, Google, etc.), type in the assignments, dates, classes and times that everything is due. After entering all of the data, set the order to “by date”!

    • Extra tip: Color code by class so when it gets recorded you can easily see what classes have work coming up!

  • Schedule downtime: When you set up your schedule, make sure to add in some downtime for each day. It will allow you to have a scheduled block of time to relax.

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