Keeping up with the Pacers: CJ Mills and the SRS

Keeping up with the Pacers: CJ Mills and the SRS

CJ Mills, a USC AIken senior majoring in Industrial Processing Engineering, shared his experiences working at the Savannah River Site (SRS)

Mills is working on replacing distributed control system (DCS) intersection controller at SRS.

Mills said when you arrive at the gate, “there are guards standing, and every time they [will] check your car. Some have flashlights and some have a mirror. They would pull out a mirror to check underneath your car to make sure you don’t have a bomb.”

“First time going there I was very nervous,” he stated, “[If] you get pulled over for speeding, your manager will get a letter, and the person above your manager will get another letter. It’s a crazy process.”

According to Mills, if the speed limit is 55 and a person is driving 56 or 57, there is a high chance of the person being pulled over.

Mills shared another thing about passing through the gate at SRS, “When you arrive at the gate, they may randomly pick your car for an inspection. That is when you have to open up all compartments of your car for them to inspect.”

“That is my experience with SRS ... so far,” he closed.

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