Column: Letter to the students

Column: Letter to the students

Dear fellow pacers,

In my few semesters working for the Pacer Times student newspaper, I have come to the conclusion that not a lot of students take the paper seriously. Some think it is a joke, others don’t like the paper because of previously written articles, controversies, or some have grudges against someone currently or previously on staff.

A large majority of students refuse the opportunity to be quoted, featured, or referenced in an article. Part of that may be fear of being singled out on campus or shyness.

As a paper whose motto is “For the students, by the students,” it is extremely difficult to write for them when the students won’t talk to the paper.

As a paper, we want to know what is going on around campus. We want to get different student perspectives on controversial events and decisions happening on campus.

We want to know what our fellow students want, but to write those types of articles, we need input from students themselves.

My fellow pacers, I am asking you, will you step up and talk to the paper?

Will you tell us what you want to read? Will you help us help you?

We are willing and able to write on a vast majority of topics if you think it is important. We want to help support student organizations, students, student businesses and local businesses.

We want to address questions you may have for the leaders of the school. We want to help bring light to the issues on campus. We just need you to tell us what you want and need from us.

If you have any questions, concerns, information on events or decisions being made on campus please talk to us.

-Sincerely, Erica

Column: Spring Break Day #STRESS

Column: Spring Break Day #STRESS

Poems with Anab: Femininity Explored in Poetry - Part 2

Poems with Anab: Femininity Explored in Poetry - Part 2