Letter to the students: All your hard work is worth it

Letter to the students: All your hard work is worth it

Dear Pacers,

With the coronavirus pandemic causing us to work and study from home, we may feel as if there is no end to this semester. Our online instruction has been tough to get through, and many of us feel like work has been added to the syllabi that were given at the beginning of the semester.

Some of us are falling behind in our classes and have no idea what to do to bring our grades back up. It’s hard to stay focused and keep on task while being home, and now with the added stress of ignorance from our peers, some of us may not feel as if all the stress is worth it.

I’m writing to you all to say that it is all worth it.

We have two weeks of this semester left. No matter what has been going on this semester, finish strong.

Do it for yourself. You have worked so hard to get where you are now, and we are so close to finishing this semester.

Don’t let a virus take away your accomplishments. Don’t let ignorant students take away your achievements. We have worked hard for our futures, and we will have to continue working hard to get where we want to be. 

We are so close, Pacers. So very close. Don’t let your work go unfinished and your time wasted. As of today, there are 14 days left in this semester.

We can do this. We will do this.

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