Column: Is nice the new normal?

Column: Is nice the new normal?

Scrolling through my social media, I have noticed a large influx of positive comments, posts, stories, and messages that are being sent out. People are being nicer to each other and trying to stay positive, which is great, don’t get me wrong, but why now?

Why does it take a virus to make humans behave nicely to each other? This should be a normal occurrence! 

I understand that people are trying to persevere through this tough time, and I know that the positivity is for a good reason, but seriously, being nice shouldn’t be a situational occurrence.

Before the virus hit, most people weren’t going around on social media and sharing things to brighten other people’s days.

Before the virus hit, most people didn’t send out messages to their families or loved ones making sure they were okay. 

Before the virus hit, most people didn't go the extra mile to help others. 

Being positive and nice to others isn’t just something that should be done when there’s nothing else to do. 

As the common proverb goes: “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”

That means all the time. Not just in times of need.

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