Column: An editor's memories

Column: An editor's memories

As this is going to be the last article I write for the Pacer Times, and as a student at USC of Aiken, it’s given me time to reflect on the interesting time that I had on the staff and the experience that I’ve gained.

When I first started in the fall of 2018, I walked into the office hoping to get a position as a lead photographer, which I did. I was the only student in the past two years to ask for a photography position.

The Editor in Chief Cecilia Maddox saw something in me and came to me asking if I wanted to report on a sporting event. After seeing my hesitation, she said really thought that I would be ok writing the article for the paper.

From that day I continued to push myself with my reporting, interviewing and getting the facts for sports articles, and getting them ready to be added to the Pacer Times website for the viewers.

Near the end of the fall semester, I was once again surprised when Cecilia named me as the new sports editor for the staff and put me in charge of the sports section with editing the articles and pictures before being sent up to be finalized.

With my time as sports editor, I have pushed myself more out of my comfort zone and become the voice for the sports section, trying to make sure each sport either ran by the school or by a club had a voice and was known to the many readers.

One of my last accomplishments with the Pacer times was when I was asked to be one of three editors of the paper to help represent USC Aiken at the 2019 College Media Conference in Washington D.C.

Besides the sessions and touring D.C., Cecilia asked me to represent the school and the paper in the Portrait contest where my picture went to the semifinals before being voted out.

In ending, I step away from the Pacer Times with fond memories of all the good times I’ve had with the friends, who I will always call my friends, and the things I’ve learned in becoming a journalist to take with me to the next chapter in my life.

Good Bye friends and may the office always be full of fun and laughter.


 This column is written with the opinions of one editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Pacer Times.

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