Tutorial: basic at-home skincare for beginners

Tutorial: basic at-home skincare for beginners

Almost every adolescent highschooler has had a battle with acne and skin routines whether on their face or body.

As many already know, acne can be caused by a number of things that range from excess oil, bacteria, genetics, hormones and much more. The target spots for acne are the areas where there are a lot of oil glands. This is because oil (sebaceous) glands produce the oil (sebum), which will trap dead skin cells, bacteria, etc. in the pores, resulting in pimples.

People usually wonder why their acne is still persistent despite washing their face daily and multiple times at that. However, acne is not caused from unwashed skin. Actually, washing the skin too often could actually have a reverse effect on your skin.

To help get rid of acne you should talk to your dermatologist to see the best option for your skin type, or you could try various lifestyle/dietary changes and home remedies.

A home remedy that my suitemates and I found that worked really well was using sea salt as a face and body cleanser. Nutritionist Stephanie Tourles says that the trace minerals in sea salt heal inflamed skin and promote the health of skin cells.

As for instructions, all you need to do is heat up about ¼ cup of distilled water and add 1 tablespoon of sea salt until it has dissolved. You then apply this to your clean, dry face, let it sit for about 10-15 minutes then rinse and apply moisturizer. Doing this about twice a day usually produces great results.

We purchased 17.6 ounces of sea salt from Walmart for about $3. Lifestyle and dietary changes are also important for maintaining your skin’s health.

The Mayo Clinic advises using a cleanser that is gentle on the skin twice a day, and to avoid masks and scrubs. No matter how appealing they are marketed, they can make your acne worse. Also, try products that have benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid as the active ingredient.

An important fact is to know that acne can get worse before it gets better. According to The Clear Clinic, this is due to acne that is already developing under the skin even before you began treating it.

The Mayo Clinic recommends using a moisturizer with SPF because it helps with protection. When using products such as sunscreen and makeup, be sure that they are water based or noncomedogenic as to avoid and prevent a breakout.

As a reminder, do not pop your pimples and refrain from touching your face throughout the day! Shower as soon as possible after a workout and anytime that you find yourself sweating a lot, and don’t wash your face in the shower because your water may be too hot for your facial skin.

Changing your routine and learning more about your skin type is the best way to help it.

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