Writing & Mental Health: A Panel Event

Writing & Mental Health: A Panel Event

On Mar. 27, 2024, The Town Square A Literary Magazine and Sigma Tau Delta will be hosting a panel event about writing and mental health! This event will be located in the SAC MEZZ from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

This event will focus on the importance of mental health in the writing community.

Dr. Jane Stafford, the Director of the Applied Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, will be the keynote speaker of the event and will be discussing the importance of mental health.

Panelists will include John M. Starino, Dr. Skye Roberson and Dan Leach.

The event will cover questions about writing, the writing process, how mental health affects this process, self care and more!

Towards the end of the event, the floor will be open to audience members to ask questions.

Come join us at this open discussion about mental health and writing!

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