Song Review: "Voyage of the Dead Marauder" by Alestorm

Song Review: "Voyage of the Dead Marauder" by Alestorm

“Sail away, dead / marauder / Stormy seas guide your way”

On Feb. 14, 2024, Pirate metal band Alestorm released their new single “Voyage of the Dead Marauder” with Patty Gurdy. Alestorm’s songs are often silly and comedic, as demonstrated by the ridiculous “S**t Boat (No Fans),” but this is one of their more serious works.

Patty’s hurdy-gurdy playing is epic rather than playful. I am usually wary of melodic voices in metal songs, but Patty Gurdy was the perfect singer to include, as her voice adds the perfect contrast to Alestorm’s harsh vocals, making the song sound brighter.

The fast pace of this song is invigorating enough to make you want to sail the high seas, but the power metal style—along with Patty Gurdy’s vocals—keeps the song from ever becoming aggressive.

Although I generally prefer Alestorm’s goofy songs, “Voyage of the Dead Marauder” has quickly become one of my favorite Alestorm songs.

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