Forspoken: Capitalizing off of Black Women

Forspoken: Capitalizing off of Black Women

A Black female content creator claimed that representatives behind Forspoken attempted to underpay her for covering the game.

Forspoken is a game published by Square Enix and features a Black woman named Frey Holland as the protagonist. However, since its release aptly right before Black History Month, it has garnered mixed reviews due to awkward storytelling and unavoidable glitches.

Black female leads are rare to come by in the video game medium, but Forspoken’s lack of Black writers or developers left an uneasy feeling in some of its future player base.

Milady Confetti was approached by representatives of the game to stream Forspoken on Twitch. Confetti said that their quote for payment was less than half of her offer.

“And when it comes to black women, you pay as significantly less, even when we’re the stars of the show,” said Confetti.

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