Dorm Dash: Fall Brown Sugar Delight (Latte/Coffee)

Dorm Dash: Fall Brown Sugar Delight (Latte/Coffee)

If you don’t feel like spending $8 on a Starbucks drink but still need a pick-me-up, here’s an at-home recipe you will definitely enjoy with the fall season slowly coming in. 

Ingredients/Materials needed

  • Coffee maker or Espresso machine

  • Frother

  • Milk (your choice)

  • Heavy whipping cream

  • Brown sugar (syrup or regular sugar)

  • Cinnamon powder

  • Vanilla syrup flavoring

  • Sugar/Liquid Cane syrup

  • Ice


  1. Choose your choice of coffee whether its regular, decaf, etc. and the same goes for espresso

  2. If you’d prefer your drink iced, add ice to your cup

  3. Add in 1-5 tablespoons of brown sugar or five shots of brown sugar syrup 

  4. Then begin to add in one tablespoon of cinnamon powder or as much to your liking

  5. Once you’re finished brewing your coffee or espresso shots, add them into the cup and stir that all up

  6. After that, add the milk of your choice in the cup 

  7. Then you want to get a separate cup and add little whipped heavy cream inside

  8. Next add 1-4 shots of vanilla flavoring syrup inside the cup

  9. After that, grab your frother and froth it until it looks more like a cold foam

  10. Then pour that foam on top of your drink

  11. Lastly add a little cinnamon powder on top and enjoy!

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