Organization of the Week: Black Student Union

Organization of the Week: Black Student Union

Black Student Union (BSU) is an organization whose mission is to educate and empower Black students on campus. It is a family, but they aim to be inclusive to everyone at USC Aiken.  

When asked about the common misconception about their events being catered to black students and white students not being welcome, Internal Vice President, Makayla King states: 

“I feel like that is not true. We may have stuck our hand out to them, but they are not receiving it as well. If it is an ICE event that is when we get the most attendants come but if it's not, then they do not come.” 

Their upcoming event is a Townhall Meeting on Oct. 16 at the Penland Building in room 136. The Townhall Meeting is similar to the Conversation with Campus Leaders event where students can voice their concerns to make a difference on campus. Their second general meeting is on Oct. 18, everyone is welcome to come to the meeting as they are not limited to black students.

Picture provided by BSU.

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