Editorial: A heartfelt farewell from the Pacer Times staff

Editorial: A heartfelt farewell from the Pacer Times staff

Before the summer break, Pacer Times traditionally bids its readers adieu, but our goodbye will be a bit different this time. We had a full editorial staff and four Reporters spare a Copy Editor when we began but as we approach the end of the semester, we are left with just two Editors and Reporters in addition to our Business Manager who will serve as the Editor-in-Chief next semester.

The future of Pacer Times is concerning, to say the least, though I seriously encourage passionate students to get involved and fight against administrative censorship to give the University of South Carolina - Aiken the high-quality paper it needs to expect to be able to attract and retain more high-quality students, faculty and staff.

Editor-in-Chief, Jillian Paige Hicks

I have been a part of Pacer Times since I started at the university during the fall 2020 semester. I reached out to the faculty advisor, Jeffery Wallace, weeks before classes began to get involved. Peak COVID-19, Pacer Times quickly became a large part of my college experience.

I started as a reporter, learning how to conduct interviews and write articles in the Associated Press style for the first time while almost completely socially distanced. During spring 2021, I was the Opinion Section Editor. The following fall 2021, I was the Copy Editor.

I started this semester as Co-Editor-in-Chief alongside the former longtime incumbent Editor-in-Chief, Noelle Kriegel, which was a mess as was content accountability. I have grown resigned to the fact that the progress I achieved this semester will be erased and quality will inevitably suffer due to a lack of genuine, skilled interest.

On a positive note, I wrote over 75 articles over the past two years. It was hard to pick favorites when I have written so much that I am sincerely proud of, but the following articles struck me as timeless or especially thorough:

Invasive proctoring services overstep student privacy

Column: Misinformation is one of the greatest imminent threats to democracy

No Man’s Sky: An intergalactic Minecraft and beyond

Beating the Delta Blues: Vaccine Incentives

Film Review: Detroit

Game Review: Far Cry 6

Column: Decorum at the State of the Union address

Dorm Dash: Chicken enchiladas

I made the decision to transfer to the University of Georgia to pursue their journalism program and write for their student-led publication, Red & Black. It was hard to build relationships with students at USC Aiken after coming to the university during COVID, but I am thankful for the experiences that empowered me to want more.

I am proud of the changes I was able to implement and the quality of work we produced this semester. I have no one to thank but my wonderful staff. Erin, Alex, Taylor and Katie: thank you for all of the work you did for Pacer Times and the dedication to self-improvement and perseverance you all have demonstrated. I look forward to seeing what we all will accomplish and I wish the best for students who may find the outlet they need at Pacer Times.

News Editor, Erin Weeks

I started working for the Pacer Times during my first semester at USC Aiken. Immediately, I fell in love with conducting interviews and writing stories. This semester will be my last as a member of Pacer Times, as I’ll be entering my senior year and will not have as much time to commit to the paper. I have learned so much from the incredible staff and from the students with whom I have been able to talk; I will always cherish the time that I’ve been involved.

I was lucky enough to have gone from the lead reporter of the news section to the editor of the news section. Working for Pacer Times helped me to further develop my writing style and, more importantly, it gave me a reason to talk to new people and to challenge my comfort zone.

I have to thank our faculty advisor, Jeffrey Wallace, whose guidance is invaluable to all of us on the staff. Furthermore, I am so proud of our staff’s work this year and the way we have all done our best to push out issues each week. I believe that Pacer Times will continue to provide students with a way to stay connected with the happenings on campus and that it will continue to represent the voice of our student body.

Arts & Entertainment Editor, Alex Molina

I began my time with this newspaper in the spring of 2021 as a reporter, mainly focusing on music students, music on campus and art happenings at and around USC Aiken. However, possibly my favorite section to come from this was Album Reviews with Alex, which has been a fantastic journey of exploring a deeper side of one of my favorite activities.

As a music education major, music consumes my entire life and it is in everything I do. Having an avenue to express and explore the vast intricacies and emotions sonic art brings has been not only satisfying but also exhilarating and painstaking at times as well. These complex emotions that music can engender are what I love about it and it has been a blast hearing when people agree with my opinions and even more fun hearing when people disagree. One of my favorite things about music is that its complexities evoke so many emotions that every sonic experience is different for every individual soul in the world.

As I reflect upon my stint with Pacer Times, it brings me no surprise to see that some of my early articles (and even some recent ones) lack in quality, voice and fluidity. I, just as everyone else, am always learning, growing, making mistakes and evolving, and Pacer Times has been a fantastic organization to assist me in my development not only as a writer but as an individual with the capacity to share my thoughts with those who are willing to listen.

Some of my favorite articles have included:

Interview: Nissa Kahle, expression through music and theater

Album Review with Alex: Sling

Top 10 Albums of the Year: Part Two

Album Review: “Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation”

Feature: Emily Mims, expressing artistic visions

It has been a joy and a privilege to share my thoughts with readers and I look forward to transitioning from a staff member of Pacer Times to a fan!

Reporter, Taylor Herndon

My time at USC Aiken has been an adventure. As a freshman, I came in not entirely knowing what I wanted to do or what I wanted to experience, but as time went on, I realized what it was not. As time went on, I could not help but realize that I was enjoying my education and that I belonged elsewhere at the university, making my farewell to it bittersweet. I owe a lot to this University and a lot to the professors therein.

First, to Professor Wallace and Pacer Times: thank you for the experience and for making me realize how important journalism is. I have greatly enjoyed my time here and feel the skills developed have been invaluable.

To Dr. Triana: thank you for making me realize how much I loved research and my many options for it. My time working directly with you was an experience unlike any other I have been afforded. This changed my expected path to one of future opportunities, future research and a desire to continue even more academic pursuits.

To Dr. Petrie, Dr. Wernet and the sociology department, thank you for being willing to have such difficult conversations and for widening my worldview. Being introduced to the concepts you have presented to me has better helped me understand the world around me and all the social change I realize needs to be addressed. I look forward to one day implementing the things taught to me here.

To Dr. Munsell: thank you for all the advice. It has made my college adventure more manageable since I could actually understand what I was doing. Thank you for your classes and the involvement you have taken in so many students’ experiences. All of your advice and encouragement have been instrumental to my success.

Finally, to the communication department: my time here has been one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. The wide variety of classes offered and the opportunities afforded to me have allowed me to gain more experience than I initially thought possible. It has aided in my development as an academic and as a person. These courses made me remember why I had loved learning so much when I was younger, and have made me further realize I had a desire to teach others about the concepts we study.

To my friends, my family, my classmates, my professors and the University, thank you for the adventure and the experience. I enjoyed it immensely.

Reporter, Katie Presnell

I started writing for Pacer Times just this fall. I’d been invited by a friend to join a meeting in the library when the office was still in the process of being set up. I distinctly remember being absolutely terrified the entire duration of the meeting. I was tense, my leg wouldn’t stop shaking, and every time someone had asked me a question it was like clockwork just to get something out.

A few weeks after, I had my first interview with a student for a feature. Or, rather I was sitting in with a friend who was actually conducting the interview. I kept asking myself and my friend if the questions I had come up with were good enough and throughout the whole interview, I was shaking again, terrified to make even one little mistake.

I also made it a personal point to avoid going into the office during most of the fall semester. I knew that there was a high chance that there would be someone else in there and I was afraid they would silently judge my credibility to use the space or, God forbid, just look in my direction at all.

In hindsight, that was one of the silliest worries I had ever had. Since joining Pacer Times and now departing from it, I’ve made many friends and learned a lot not only from a writer’s perspective but also from the perspective of someone who is terrified of talking to people. This organization has made me come out of my shell and swallow my fears through emails and interviews with people I would never have talked to otherwise.

There have been many road bumps in this semester particularly, but the team and Jillian, in particular, handled them with grace and professionalism, unlike anything I have ever seen before. I miss all of the people we lost on staff along the way and now departing, I will definitely miss the ones who I stuck it out with. Thank you, Pacer Times.

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