TryColors, revolutionizing the painter's game

TryColors, revolutionizing the painter's game

Trycolors was created by Oleg Katryshev, Chief Product Officer at SegmentStream, 10 years ago after his parents started a small, online store for custom soap. By using specific ingredients, they could achieve certain pigments so, as a laser engineer at the time, he designed a tool for his parents’ website that allowed users to mix ingredients to achieve a preferred color. When traffic grew, he created the tool’s own website: thus, Trycolors was born.

As a painter, Trycolors has been and continues to be an especially incredible tool. Forget using expensive Pantone cards as color inspiration and try this multi-platform $2.99 - $3.99 app that presents unlimited, colorful opportunities to perfect your color mixing and matching skills.

To take full advantage of the capabilities Trycolors holds, chose the gear icon at the bottom of the mixing screen. There are a few preset palettes, but to create a new palette, click the plus icon at the top. Choose 15 paints and find their corresponding Hexadecimal (HEX) code using Encycolorpedia. Click the small circle in the corner with the pencil icon to input the HEX codes.

With a customized palette, Trycolors allows you to experiment without wasting any expensive paint. My favorite, basic palette consists of the following colors:

When the palette is set, return to the mixing page and choose the check icon for a target. I am a photorealistic painter so I use the photo option to match my source, returning to the mixing page and getting the mix for any color. Instantly, the app provides the percent amount of each color in your palette to produce the selected color.

Remember that paints act differently in real life than they do on the app, so play with it! I find it to be pretty accurate with high-quality painting materials and a good sense of color mixing. To learn more about color mixing, play the game in the sidebar menu with a color wheel in hand at first, then without.

Trycolors is by far my favorite app that I use when painting, although there are many other essential apps to my process. It is rated 4.3 stars out of five on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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