Trash or Treasure? "Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman"

Trash or Treasure? "Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman"

The majority of people in the United States have heard of Ted Bundy. There have been a million-and-one documentaries and films on the notorious serial killer who killed over 20 women in the 1970s; experts believe that the number of victims could be closer to 100. With minimal research, it becomes clear that he went after women with long brown hair that was parted down the middle.  

With this knowledge, tell me why the new Ted Bundy movie now available on Hulu, “Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman,” took the creative liberties it did. Not only was Chad Michael Murray a terrible choice to play the role of Bundy since he looks nothing like Bundy, but he is also a terrible actor. Not only was the choice of lead questionable, the writers and director decided not to follow the facts of the case.  

There is an abundance of information on the internet about Ted Bundy, so it’s not like the creators of this film were not equipped with the correct information. Even so, they decided to abandon multiple sources of the truth. Instead of brunettes, Bundy was depicted going after multiple blonde women. The film felt more like a horror movie than a true crime film based on the story of Ted Bundy, which felt eminently disrespectful to the many victims of this monster.  

Not only did the film take creative liberties about Bundy’s victims, but they also inserted a female police officer into the case, and she ends up catching Bundy in the sorority house where he murdered and beat multiple women, but in reality, this never happened. Bundy was never caught inside the sorority house, and he even went on to kill a little girl after the sorority house massacre.  

With all of this in mind, this film is truly a train wreck I was not able to look away from. It isn’t good, but if you need a good hate watch, this film will do the trick. Just keep in mind that this film is in no way based on Ted Bundy and they just use his name to draw in an audience.  

So, what’s the verdict? Trash or treasure? My verdict is that the movie is 100% trash. 

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