Preparing for the end — of the semester: A checklist

Preparing for the end — of the semester: A checklist

This semester is (thankfully) coming to an end. With the stress of finals, papers and GPAs, a lot can get past us. Here is a quick list of things to keep in mind as we finish this semester:

Financial aid: See where you stand with your scholarships, check-in with your loans. If you have any questions, the Office of Financial Aid can provide assistance.

Housing: If you plan to move to campus next semester, you should have already paid the deposit and set up where you want to stay and who you want to live with. Now would be a good time to make a checklist of everything you will need before the big move to make things a little easier.

Classes: If you have not already, register your classes for next semester. If you can’t get into a class because it is full, do not stress just yet. People will be adding and dropping classes throughout the summer until the beginning of the semester.

Meal plan: Whether you plan to have a meal plan or not, it is best to consider your options and budget.

Aiken leaders seek to improve city, adopts AECOM action plan

Aiken leaders seek to improve city, adopts AECOM action plan

Feature: Famous on the field and off, meet Alicia Wallick

Feature: Famous on the field and off, meet Alicia Wallick