Top 10 Albums of the Year: Part One

Top 10 Albums of the Year: Part One

As the year draws to a close, the season of “top 10s” has arrived. 2021, while being filled with some dark lows, has had one redeeming shining light that has made the year bearable: the release from a vast list of great albums. While ranking music, a completely subjective artistic medium, is a tricky process that only reflects the opinions of the ranker, the following albums are great listens, and I would recommend them to anyone who would call themselves a fan of music.


Starting off our list is the newest album out of the entire 10, and JPEGMAFIA’s October release of this album does not impact its placing as one of my favorite albums of the entire year. Staying true to his boundary-pushing style of industrial and experimental hip-hop, this record provides a whirlwind of elegant genre-blending and high energy, paired with JPEGMAFIA’s (real name Barrington DeVaughn Hendricks) immaculate vocal delivery. 


Next on our list is an album that has made an appearance on an “Album Review with Alex” earlier in the year, SPIRITOFTHEBEEHIVE’s April release of this record brought equally its praise as well as its critiques. While some listeners might initially be turned away by the intense and cryptic moments on this album, the Philadelphia-based trio paints intense and wonderful escapades of brilliance.  

8. CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST – Tyler, The Creator 

Tyler, The Creator’s discography has always been one that often gets overlooked when people discuss the best rappers and hip-hop artists of this generation, but this record silences any doubters of the California born rapper. This album had the song of the summer for me in “WUSYANAME” while also demonstrating Tyler’s exceptional storytelling, especially in the track “WILSHIRE.” 

7. Drunk Tank Pink - shame 

With the earliest release of an album that makes this list, shame’s January release of Drunk Tank Pink, their second studio album, brought this London based post-punk group into the mainstream. This record is loud, electrifying and infectious, and front-man Charlie Steen’s melodic shouting pairs wonderfully with the eloquent and bombastic musical backing of the band. 

6. To See the Next Part of the Dream – Parannoul 

There is a key factor that differentiates this record from the rest of the list: this record is entirely in Korean. Parannoul, an anonymous musician based in Seoul, released this shoegaze/lo-fi rock album in February, and it quickly rose as one of the genre’s defining records. This dreamy but alluring album has something new with every listen.  

Stay tuned for the next half of the list, where we will be visiting the top 5 albums of the year! 

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