Horoscopes: Challenges, cheer and chaos

Horoscopes: Challenges, cheer and chaos


March 21-April 19 

Your cheerful personality will lead you into new heights this week. Continue to keep your head up and a smile on your face!


April 20-May 20 

When faced with new challenges this week, your stubborn nature may get in the way of things. Keep an open mind and be mindful of the people around you. 


May 21-June 20 

Being a multitasker will be in your best interest in both your school and work life. Keep track of all you do this week, something may come up at a later date. 


June 21-July 22

Sometimes there is a reason people enter your life. Remember that not everyone who enters is meant to stay forever. 


July 23-August 22

Though you have many people who will say they are your friend, only a select few will have your best interests at heart. Appreciate those who humble you.  


August 23-September 22

Your responsibility is a key factor in your life and will be especially helpful when recalling certain tasks this week. 


September 23-October 22

You are the best at giving advice, but not the best at receiving it. Be kind to those who want to see you succeed. 


October 23-November 21

Your honesty is both an advantage and disadvantage to you. Choose your words wisely this week. 


November 22-December 21

Laughter is the best medicine and it seems you have plenty to spare. You never know what someone is going through, use your humor to lift others up. 


December 22-January 19

Your strong opinions are what set you apart from the group but sometimes can stir the pot. Listen to what the other side has to say and you may learn something new this week. 


January 20-February 18

The amount of patience you have is astronomical. Take time with the people you love even if they are not as patient with you. 


February 19-March 20 

Being the best listener in the friend group means people can always count on you for advice. Take caution in who you give advice to this week.

Italy and COVID-19

Italy and COVID-19

STD of the week: Chlamydia, AKA "The clam"

STD of the week: Chlamydia, AKA "The clam"