Pacers respond to remote learning

Pacers respond to remote learning

USC Aiken transitioned to remote instruction Monday, March 23, and students are expressing their sentiments regarding the online shift on the USCA Student Life Facebook page.

In a Facebook post by Pacer Times reading, “In the comments, express what you miss the most about being on campus,” students commented about their experiences since being off-campus.

Senior Hannah Jones commented, “I really wish I had cherished the small things more. I’m graduating this semester, and although it’s been kind of stressful, I enjoyed being on campus and having the face to face interaction instead of just online work.”

“I miss feeling like I was actually involved in my education. Online classes take that from me and that’s why I never want to take them,” wrote Mariah Jimenez. This comment received nine likes from other students.

Alaine Sullivan commented, “I also miss giving tours to prospective students since I'm an Admissions Ambassador. I was looking forward to a number of upcoming events too, it's pretty sad that they won't be happening.”

Along with posts and comments, students have conveyed their feelings about remote learning through humorous formats including memes and videos..

A student posted an image that read, “I don’t want to go to internet school tomorrow.” Fifty-six reactions to this post included laughter and shares.

The USCA Student Life Facebook page is active year-round, but after events were postponed and cancelled due to COVID-19, the page is more active than usual, including administrative posts and student conversations.

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