Zodiac crash-course: Pisces

Zodiac crash-course: Pisces

All people born between Feb. 20 and Mar. 20 belong to the sign Pisces.

Pisces lies in the northern sky, rules Jupiter and represents water. Each astrological sign has a ruling planet and element.

According to Greek myth, Aphrodite (Goddess of love) and her son Cupid (God of desire and attraction) transformed into fish in order to escape the monster Typhon.

The legend goes like this: Aphrodite, also known as Venus, and her son Cupid were walking along the river when Typhon appeared. 

Typhon, described as the “most powerful and fearsome god in Greek legend,” incited fear in the pair on their walk. Unable to run, they called upon Zeus to disguise them as fish and then they escaped into the river.

Having escaped the wrath of Typhon, Aphrodite and Cupid’s disguises were placed among the heavens as two fish, giving us the modern symbol of Pisces (meaning “two fish” in Latin).

Signs also have typical traits that are assigned to them. The positive traits of Pisces include artistic ability, lovingness, dreaminess and empathy.

They are also considered the most evolved sign out of the Zodiac and are representative of the human soul. Like fish, swim freely through society and are able to see the depths of life. 

Inversely, Pisces tend to be overly sensitive, lazy, pessimistic, indecisive and in constant need of affection. 

For a Pisces’ love life, they will always find a great partner, but they need someone who will accept and appreciate their love.

According to author Adrian Michael, Pisces is like water: “Powerful enough to cleanse you. Deep enough to save you.”

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