Feature: Barrett Goff

Feature: Barrett Goff

Barrett Goff is senior at USC Aiken who plays more than six different musical instruments and plans to teach music after graduating. Goff majors in Music with a concentration in Instrumental studies. He has been learning and playing these instruments since 5th grade.

Clarinet, saxophone, bass, drums, piano and bass clarinet are the instruments that Goff is fluent in.

He said “I would like to teach music in a middle school or high school”. That is Goff’s goal after graduating college in the spring.

In five years Goff sees himself “ teaching in a high school. I can also see myself playing for several ensembles. I also hope to be married.”

Goff shared how he is excited about graduating, “I get to start my life and finally set off on my goals for being a teacher and buying a home and make my mark on the world and possibly create a family legacy.”

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