Wi-Fi troubles concern student body, security risks resolved

Wi-Fi troubles concern student body, security risks resolved

Students have taken to the USC Aiken Student Life Facebook page to vocalize their frustration regarding campus Wi-Fi.

Christian Price, Director of Technology Operations, stated, “In general, the wireless network was having speed issues that were due to the firewall bottleneck. That has been fixed, but there is now an optimization issue.”

After the optimization is complete, the entire wireless network will be reworked.

Last week, an outage occurred at 12:20 a.m., hoping to resolve the network issues plaguing the student body.

Price admitted, “This outage to replace the 10-year-old firewall did not go as planned and caused issues with the wireless network because some of the services were being blocked. Most of these issues have been resolved but some are still having problems with their smart TVs, Roku, and media devices on Pacer Stream.”

It was an “unfortunate coincidence” that the emergency outage occurred “for security updates and some reconfiguration that made the network more secure.” Price emphasizes that this emergency outage was necessary when the security of thousands of students is being risked.

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